Maintenance Fees & Sinking Fund

As of October 2019, maintenance fee is RM2.53 and sinking fund is RM0.56 per share unit per month. This works out to be about 27 cents and 6 cents per square foot per month respecitvely, for a total of RM0.33 psf/month.

So the monthly fees for a typical unit in Kiaramas Ayuria would be approximately RM530 to RM660.

تقييم كياراماس أيوريا

كياراماس أيوريا Kiaramas Ayuria هو مجمع سكني راقي يقع في قمة مونت كيارا Mont Kiara وذلك على ارتفاع 470 قدم فوق مستوى سطح البحر على مساحة تزيد عن 9 فدان من الأراضي خالصة الملكية. ويحيط بموقع المجمع السكني الفريد على قمة التل المساحات الخضراء المورقة مما يمنحه إطلالة بانورامية خلابة على برج كوالالمبور.

ويتكون أيوريا من 3 مباني تتضمن 35 دور لكل مبني. وقد تم تصميم الوحدات البالغ عددها 480 وحدة بشكل جيد وبما يمنح كل شقة شعورًا بالرحابة والكثير من الخصوصية.

هناك 5 وحدات قياسية بكل طابق تتراوح مساحتها ما بين 1600 إلى 2000 قدم مربع لكل وحدة. وتتكون كل وحدة من 3 + 1 غرف نوم، 4 أو 5 حمامات بالإضافة إلى مساحة لركن سيارتين. هناك 4 أنواع من الوحدات القياسية للاختيار من بينها:

  • 2,103 قدم مربع – وحدتين في الطابق مع نوع واحد من التخطيط، معكوسة على طرفي نقيض، وكلاهما يواجه الشرق
  • 1,733 قدم مربع – وحدة واحدة بكل طابق، تواجه الشرق
  • 1,605 قدم مربع – نوعان من الوحدات للاختيار من بينهما، تواجه الشمال أو الغرب

البينتهوس أو الشقق علي السطح متوفرة في الطوابق العليا وتتراوح مساحتها بين 3200 إلى 4000 قدم مربع لكل وحدة حيث تتكون من وحدتين قياسيتين مضمومتين، وتأخذ البنتهاوس أما دوبلكس أي على طابقين أو في طابق واحد. هناك أيضاً العديد من الوحدات علي طابقين علي أطراف المبني.

تأتي المطابخ كاملة الفرش من قبل المطور مع خزائن مطبخ مصممة. كما تم تجهيز جميع الوحدات بمكيفات الهواء وسخانات المياه.

تحتوي الشقة على مسبح ذو مناظر طبيعية على طراز المنتجعات، يبلغ طوله 520 قدم ويحتوى على جاكوزى دافئ وحمامى سباحة وحمام سباحة للأطفال وزلاقة مائية Water Slide ممشي سفلى تحت الماء Underwater Reflexology Foot Path والعديد من الشلالات والنافورات المزخرفة. وهذه هي المزايا المائية فقط.

تشمل المرافق الأخرى ملعبين وملعبي تنس وملعبي تنس الريشة وملعب اسكواش ونصف ملعب كرة سلة وطاولة تنس الطاولة وجيم مجهز بالكامل. هناك أيضًا قاعة متعددة الأغراض وشوايتان ومتجر صغير وغرفة غسيل وصالون لتصفيف الشعر ومقهى بجانب المسبح.

تحظى كياراماس أيوريا بشعبية كبيرة بين السكان المحليين والمغتربين، مع مزيج متميز من الملاك والمستأجرين. للشراء أو الاستئجار يرجى إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى أو

من ناحية السلامة يتوافر أمن علي مدار الساعة، وكاميرات مراقبة CCTV ونظام الاتصال الداخلي (إنتركم) عبر الفيديو، وبطاقات مرور منفصلة للمدخل ومكتب الامن لكل مبني. وهناك رجل حراسة لحراسة مدخل كل برج، ويتم إغلاق مصاعد الخدمة بعد ساعات العمل.

من الناحية التعليمية تقع أيوريا بالقرب من مدرسة جاردن الدولية Garden International School ومدرسة مونت كيارا Mont Kiara الدولية، وهما من أعرق المدارس في ماليزيا. كما توجد حضانة أطفال خاصة داخل المجمع السكني.

ويجاور المجمع السكني عدد من المجمعات السكنية الأخرى مثل Kiaramas Danai و Kiaramas Cendana و Kiaramas Sutera و Kiaramas Gateway

Good Neighbour Tip

2 lifts serve 33 floors. Assuming 5 units per floor and 4 people per unit, that’s 660 residents per block.

If 60% of the residents come home between 5.30 – 8.30 pm daily, that will be 2.2 people using the lifts every minute during that period.

Good Neighbour Tip: Press the “G” button after you exit to send the lift back to the ground floor for the next person. Especially in the evenings.

Wouldn’t it be nice if one of the lifts could automatically return to the ground floor? (Ahem, *management*)

How to Book Facilities

Starting 1st November 2018, the manual forms that we filled up to book condo facilities like the Badminton Courts, Tennis Courts, Squash Court, Basketball Court, BBQ pits and Multi-Function Hall (Pappilion Hall) have been replaced with an online booking app.

To make a booking, just go to

There’s also an app that you can download for iOS or Andriod

As you can see, the facilities are quite popular so this app really helps to plan out your time. Previously with the paper booking system, reservations could only be made for the week ahead, but now it can be done a few weeks in advance.

This is a 3-month pilot program. Response looks good so far. Bar privacy and hogging issues, this is a step in the right direction.

Update: Download the eCommunity app for iOS or Android

Ayuria Cafe Menu

Update: Cafe closed

Good food, nice ambience, decent prices and an unbeatable location!

Open 11am to 9pm daily except Mondays.

The Gerai at Kiaramas Ayuria serves a nice mix of local and western food.

There’s even free delivery within Ayuria for orders above RM20. Call +60 17 249 0334 to order.

See the menu below.

Kiaramas Ayuria Floor Plans

Penthouses and duplexes aside, Kiaramas Ayuria largely consists of just four types of layouts. There are three tower blocks of 30+ stories, with each floor having five units.

Kiaramas Ayuria Units 2 & 4 (Type A)

Ayuria 2,002 square feet layout (186 square meters)

Unit numbers ending with “02” and “04” have the layout above, mirrored on either side of the block. These units face east (KL city view). The size is 2,002 square feet or 186 square meters.

Kiaramas Ayuria Unit 3 (Type C)

Ayuria 1,722 square feet layout (160 square meters)

Unit numbers ending with “03” have the layout above. These units face east (KL city view). The size is 1,722 square feet or 160 square meters.

Kiaramas Ayuria Unit 1 (Type B)

Ayuria 1,605 square feet layout (149 square meters)

Unit numbers ending with “01” have the layout above. These units can face north or south depending on the block – south for Blocks A & B and north for block C. The size is 1,605 square feet or 149 square meters.

Kiaramas Ayuria Unit 5 (Type D)

Ayuria 1,605 square feet layout (149 square meters)

Unit numbers ending with “05” have the layout above. These units face west (sunset/mountain view). The size is 1,605 square feet or 149 square meters.

Images obtained from the developer’s website.

The High Point of Mont Kiara

About two months ago, excited owners started collecting the keys to their Pavilion Hilltop units. Pavilion Hilltop is a prestigious condominium which is, well, situated at the top of a hill.

But what caught my attention was that it was marketing itself with the tagline “The High Point of Mont Kiara”

This got me thinking 🤔

With Malaysians being particularly obsessed with height, I had to do some checks. After countless hikes up both mountains, I found this site instead that shows the elevation of a location based on Google Maps.

Finding a sweet spot in the middle of the 3 tower blocks of Pavilion Hilltop, the altitude was given at 117 meters.

Doing the same for Kiaramas Ayuria gives an elevation of 133 meters. So I guess that settles it.

However, it is worth nothing that Asia Quest claimed Ayuria was 470 feet above sea level, which is somewhat higher than the 133 meters (approximately 436 feet) estimated by Google Maps.

Now that’s something else to think about…  🤔

AirBnB @ Kiaramas Ayuria

If you’re here to check if the booking you made on AirBnB is legit, it’s probably not.

A resolution passed at the AGM on 26 May 2018 prohibits the use of any unit for commercial rental of less than 6 months.

Kiaramas Ayuria Review

Kiaramas Ayuria is a high-end condominium at the top of Mont Kiara, situated 470 feet above sea level on over 9 acres of freehold land. Its unique hilltop location surrounds it with lush greeneries and gives it a breathtakingly panoramic view of the KL skyline.

Ayuria consists of 3 blocks of 35 stories each. The layout of the 480 units is well designed, giving each condo a feeling of spaciousness and lots of privacy.

There are 5 standard units per floor of between 1600 to 2000 square feet per unit. Each has 3+1 bedrooms, 4 or 5 bathrooms and 2 carparks. There are 4 types of standard units to choose from:

  • 2,013 sq ft – two units per floor with one type of layout, mirrored on opposite ends, both facing east
  • 1,733 sq ft – one unit per floor, facing east
  • 1,605 sq ft – two types of units to choose from, facing north or west

Penthouses are available on the higher floors and are between 3200 to 4000 square feet per unit. These are a combination of two standard units, and may be duplex or single-floor penthouses. There are also several two-storey blocks towards the edges of the property.

Kitchens come furnished by the developer with designer cabinets. All units are equipped with air-conditioners and water heaters.

The condo has a resort-style landscaped swimming pool, which is 520 feet long. It has a heated jacuzzi, two lap pools, a children’s wading pool, a water slide, an underwater reflexology foot path, and numerous decorative waterfalls and fountains. And that’s just the water features.

Other facilities include two playgrounds, two tennis courts, two badminton courts, a squash court, half a basketball court, a ping pong table and a fully equipped gym. There is also a multi-purpose hall, two barbeque pits, a convenience store, laundromat, hair salon and a poolside café.

Kiaramas Ayuria is popular amongst locals and expats, with a healthy mix of owners and tenants. To buy or rent, please email or

Safety-wise, there is 24-hour manned security, CCTV, a video intercom system, and separate access card controls at the guardhouse and lobbies for each block. Security guards man the lobbies of each tower. Service lifts are shut down after working hours.

Education-wise, Ayuria is near the Garden International School and the Mont Kiara International School, two of the most prestigious schools in Malaysia. There is also a privately-run kindergarten within the condo grounds.

Neighbouring condominiums include Kiaramas Danai, Kiaramas Cendana, Kiaramas Sutera and Kiaramas Gateway.

Useful Contact Info

Useful contact information for Kiaramas Ayuria


📞 Office: +603-6207 8717

💬 SMS or WhatsApp

📧 Email:


Guardhouse: +603-6205 3287


Kiaramas Ayuria
9 Jalan Desa Kiara
50480 Mont Kiara
Kuala Lumpur



🚓 Police/🚒 Fire & Rescue/🚑 Hospital: 999 (source)

🚓 Desa Sri Hartamas Police Station: +603-6201 9222

🚒 Desa Sri Hartamas Fire Station: +603-6203 2559

Private Hospitals

(Ordered by distance)

  1. Global Doctors Hospital (Mont Kiara): +603-2303 9911 (source)
  2. University Malaya Medical Centre (Lembah Pantai): +603-7949 2500 (source)
  3. KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital (Damansara Utama): +603-7718 1000 (source)
  4. Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur (Bangsar): +603–2296 0999 (source)


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